Navy Yard Spring Cleaning

by Navy Yard Philadelphia
April 30, 2019

Categories: Events,

On April 30, 2019, during Lunch Truck Lineup on the Marine Parade Grounds, the Navy Yard held our 2nd annul Navy Yard Spring Cleaning.

Dating back to the 1800s, the biggest annual housecleaning took place in the spring after winters left homes coated with layers of soot and grime. A proper cleaning required open windows to air out the soot, which could only be done during warmer seasons.

On this day, we encouraged Navy Yard businesses, employees, and visitors to prepare for spring by recycling unused electronics, shredding unneeded documents, and properly tossing dead batteries, light bulbs, and tube televisions. Successfully, we shredded 3,966.25 lbs of paper, recycled 2,189 lbs of electronics, 163 lbs of batteries, 102 light bulbs, and 21 tube televisions.

Navy Yard Spring Cleaning was also the last day for our Back on My Feet Shoe Drive where we collected and recycled 1,173.5 lbs of shoes.

Thank you to everyone that made this event a success.