Navy Yard Plan Highlight: Guiding Principles

by Navy Yard Philadelphia
February 8, 2024

Categories: Development Updates,

The Navy Yard Plan charts the next 20 years of equitable growth at the Navy Yard. This update reflects the successful development of an expanding community of more than 150 employers and 15,000 workers and builds upon that success with an ambitious but achievable plan for equitable economic growth and the creation of a community to live, work, make, and play.

The Navy Yard Plan envisions future development that supports diversity and equity throughout the site.

Five Principles, One Plan

Each facet of the 2022 Navy Yard Plan is guided by framework principles that were intentionally crafted to create a new standard of equitable development. The vision put forth in the 2022 Plan reflects the Navy Yard’s future as a place that is:

Inclusive and welcoming to diverse users, from a new small business tenant in retail and makerspace targeting local entrepreneurs, to a visitor looking to enjoy the Navy Yard’s accessible outdoor spaces and public art.

Connected and multimodal, conveniently and comfortably accessed via public transit and dedicated bike lanes, with a smart and integrated system of internal circulation to maximize efficiency and foster safety and sustainability.

– A hub for equitable business growth and job creation across a wide range of innovative industries, including cell and gene therapies, next-generation shipbuilding, and advanced manufacturing.

Vibrant and active, spurred by a new residential community with apartments available at a range of rental rates that will bring a greater mix of uses, services, and amenities to the Navy Yard.

Innovative and resilient, thanks to smart infrastructure and open spaces that integrate well-designed spaces with technical function, using forward-thinking strategies to enhance the quality of life for Philadelphians.

More Information

A detailed overview of these principles can be found in Section 2 of the Navy Yard Plan – Equity Frameworks.