Cool Jobs at the Navy Yard: Christine Sheller, Head of Design + User Experience

by Navy Yard
July 31, 2019

Categories: Cool Jobs,

From Color Techs to Fashion Stylists, Cancer Researchers, and Design Masters, the Navy Yard is packed with awesome people doing great things. One of these people is Christine Sheller, Head of Design + User Experience at FS Investments.

Christine Sheller has been working for FS Investments for over 6 years. We got a chance to chat with Christine to learn more about her work with FS Investments at the Navy Yard.

What does your company do?
FS Investments helps investors design better portfolios. We started as Franklin Square Capital Partners in 2007 with a vision to bring investors access to alternative sources of income and growth historically available only to large institutions and the wealthiest individuals. We helped change that and, as FS Investments, we remain committed to helping people transform their portfolios.Today we manage a growing suite of funds designed for financial advisors, individuals and institutions to achieve a variety of financial goals.

Describe a typical work day.
My day is hardly ever typical! The team and I are focused on aligning people and processes to create meaningful experiences for our advisors, investors and our colleagues. We’re responsible for the look, feel and voice of all FS touchpoints, from signage in our building, to marketing collateral, to our website and social media. I spend the bulk of my day in 1:1 or group meetings with team, our business partners and executive stakeholders.

This week consists of testing prototypes for new website concepts with some of our internal stakeholders, prepping for an art chat focused on new pieces recently added to the collection, and catching up in 1x1s with my team and my mentees.

To prepare for the daily flux, I center myself each morning through meditation and a breakfast salad. I make time later for some form of movement – and recently completely 500 consecutive days of practicing yoga!

What’s your favorite thing about the Navy Yard?
When we first moved to the Navy Yard, I was curious about its rich history so I researched old buildings to learn more about their original purpose and functionality. I love the mix of old and new – that these buildings and spaces have wonderful stories and that companies like ours are making new stories. Lately, I have especially come to appreciate our incredible community – through the great friends I’ve made with our neighbors and the businesses I support (Nava, Vincera, Matarazzo + Milici, Bar Amis).

Anything else you’d like to share?
I’m a big fan of team PIDC + appreciate all the work that goes into creating opportunities to bring our community together. It’s what makes the Navy Yard so special.

Do you have a cool job at the Navy Yard? Submit your nomination today!