Navy Yard Haiku Poetry Contest

by Navy Yard
February 3, 2020

Categories: Community, Fun,

As the “Coolest Shipyard in America” with opulent history, one-of-a-kind experiences, unforgettable landscapes, and first-class development, we’re calling on Philly’s Poets, Lyricist, and Storytellers for our first Navy Yard Haiku Contest.

Defined by the Haiku Society of America as a short poem that uses imagistic language to convey an experience – haiku are short, breezy poems that evoke an image in the reader’s mind. For this contest’s purposes, the haiku submissions need not to adhere to the familiar 5-7-5 syllable rule.

The contest theme is “Life at the Navy Yard”

Winning haiku — along with a selection of honorable mentions — will be printed and displayed at the Navy Yard in various locations along the river, in parks, and within the historic core.

All submission must be entered using this form: HERE

The Haiku Society of America’s guidelines for modern haiku do not require the traditional 5-7-5 structure because English and Japanese are vastly different languages. All entries will be reviewed. Three top submissions will be selected for first, second, and third place. Several honorable mentions will also be selected.

Contest Dates:
Each participant may enter only once, submitting one original, self-authored haiku via the submission form starting February  3, 2020 to February 28, 2020 at 5:00 PM.

Winners will be notified by email in mid-March, and publicly announced in late March.

The authors of the winning haiku will receive:
First place – $50.00 gift card to a Navy Yard café/restaurant
Second place – $20.00 gift card to a Navy Yard café/restaurant
Third place – $10.00 gift card to a Navy Yard café/restaurant

For questions, contact Trevor Smith;