New look unveiled for Navy Yard Transit buses

by Navy Yard
May 21, 2018

Categories: Public Art,

Mural Arts Philadelphia and PIDC continue to unveil new public art at the Navy Yard, this time with Philadelphia-based artist Miriam Singer. Singer, a Philadelphia-based artist who frequently collaborates with Mural Arts, has created a new, colorful look for the Navy Yard. This design has been applied as an exterior wrap on the Navy Yard Transit’s fleet of buses, which service Navy Yard employees and visitors to Center City and AT&T Station.

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The Navy Yard has always been a place of innovation, production, and discovery, and now it’s also a site for creative experimentation and exploration through public art. Focusing on architecture, ships, ship building, recreation, and outdoor spaces such as Central Green, Singer uses markers, pencil, prints, glue, paint, and imagery to convey the Navy Yard and turn it into a playful cityscape. Singer made drawings and sketches while onsite at the Navy Yard and later referenced photos she took while visiting.

“In creating a new and contemporary graphic look for the Navy Yard, I was inspired by the site’s evocative history and spirit,” Singer said. “My design is fictional cityscape—it expresses the Navy Yard as a collage of noise, pattern, and density, and reflects the layered changes that the historic industrial port has seen over time. It metaphorically builds and disappears at once, as a metaphor for the way time changes and fluctuates.”

Over the next few weeks, this new design will be rolled out across the Navy Yard’s seven buses. Catch a glimpse of them around the Navy Yard, or heading to AT&T Station or in Center City. Some of the design may be easily recognizable, while others require a keen eye to identify. For more information about Navy Yard Transit, please visit For more information about Miriam Singer, please visit