PIDC Embarks on the Navy Yard Connected Community Plan and Wants Your Input

by Navy Yard Philadelphia
July 27, 2020

Categories: Community, News, Sustainability,

PIDC is excited to announce the embarkment on the next chapter of development for the Navy Yard’s future. PIDC and its consultant, AECOM, will collaborate with everyone in the Philadelphia community – including you! – to develop the Navy Yard Connected Community Plan, a strategic plan that will connect businesses, employees, visitors, and future residents through innovative initiatives, technologies, resources, and amenities.

The Connected Community Plan will define how the Navy Yard will evolve over the coming years to support new development and become more connected and resilient. This next chapter of development will elevate the Navy Yard as a regional employment hub and establish it as destination for events, visitors, future residents, welcoming parks, and more – shaping the Navy Yard into a true 24/7 community.

POLITICO has called the Navy Yard “the coolest shipyard in America,”  and the project team wants to take a community-centric approach to develop a Plan that creates a Philadelphia destination that the community can continue to be excited about! PIDC invites everyone in the Philadelphia community to join in creating a plan for a reimagined Navy Yard where businesses, employees, visitors, and future residents thrive. The project’s coUrbanize site will be the community’s hub for gathering project information and providing ideas and feedback. Here’s how you can get involved:

  1. Visit: Visit the Philadelphia Navy Yard Connected Community Plan project site on coUrbanize;
  2. Stay in-the-loop: Click “Subscribe” to receive project updates and learn about new opportunities to get involved;
  3. Explore: Check out the Navy Yard Map and Comments section to see what’s being discussed;
  4. Collaborate: Respond to questions or add your own thoughts for what to improve and focus on in the Comments section and on the Map;
  5. Frequent: Check back in every few weeks for new project updates and questions for the community; &
  6. Share: Get the word out by sharing this project with your coworkers, family, and friends: co/navyyard

 Everything the Philadelphia community posts on the coUrbanize project site is sent straight to the project team and will be used in the development of the Plan. We are looking forward to collaborating and embarking on this next chapter with you!