by Navy Yard Philadelphia
May 15, 2013
RevZilla is a rapidly growing retailer specializing in technical motorcycle apparel. The company was founded only five years ago and was originally located nearby in South Philadelphia. RevZilla’s proprietary in-house technology, coupled with a highly personalized and knowledge driver approach to customer interaction, allows enthusiasts to “look under the hood” of motorcycle apparel, much of which is feature-intensive, potentially life-saving, and technically advanced.

RevZilla moved into their own 52,000 square foot building at The Navy Yard’s Commerce Center in March, with a brand new showroom that allows fans to shop in person. For those who can’t make the trip to Philadelphia, RevZilla’s ecommerce website,, offers users a complete experience through shared knowledge, content, and the curation of products for a myriad of rider specific applications. Their videos are produced in-house, and combine humor with product reviews and news, like this one Harlem Shake-inspired one. The video introduces their new office space, and then delves right into new deals and new gear reviews.

In addition to the showroom, RevZilla has offices and warehouse space at The Navy Yard, and a warehouse in Las Vegas to provide faster shipping to its West Coast fans. Stop by their showroom, or visit them online at