by Navy Yard Philadelphia
March 11, 2014
This month’s Tenant Spotlight features Villanova University College of Engineering at The Navy Yard. For more information about Villanova, please contact: John Dell’Osa at 484-431-7721 or
Did you know Villanova University College of Engineering has a classroom at The Navy Yard? Located at 4775 League Island Blvd, the classroom features advanced broadcasting and web teleconferencing capabilities, as well as a separate breakout room/meeting space, promoting learning in a modern, professional setting.
Graduate engineering courses are offered each semester and vary based on demand. Students can complete their degree with a combination of classes at the convenient Navy Yard location and courses offered online through Villanova’s award-winning E-Learning program.

Earn a graduate degree at your pace and at your convenience. The graduate degree programs offered include:
- Biochemical Engineering NEW!
- Chemical Engineering
- Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Computer Engineering
- Cybersecurity NEW!
- Electrical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering
- Sustainable Engineering
- Water Resources and Environmental Engineering
In addition to engineering courses, Villanova has offered accelerated Continuing Education courses, such as Project Management, for a wide range of industries.
Villanova wants your input: help them determine which courses to offer at The Navy Yard by completing this short survey, which will ask about your level of interest in specific programs and courses. Click here to take the survey.
Corporate Training/Classroom Space
Villanova also has availability on weekdays and weekends to rent out The Navy Yard classroom for corporate training and workshops. With live internet streaming capabilities and digital archiving of your presentations, this high-tech space is certain to meet your needs. To inquire about booking The Navy Yard classroom, call John Dell’Osa at 484-431-7721 or email at