Navy Yard Electric Utility Transitions Operations to Dominion Energy

by Navy Yard
November 1, 2021

Categories: Energy, News, Tenants,

Today Dominion Energy takes over the 10-year electric utility Operations and Maintenance (O&M) services contract for the Navy Yard. This contract was the culmination of a lengthy, highly competitive solicitation process announced in May 2021. Dominion Energy will provide responsive on-site management to the Navy Yard and its customers, who will gain industry-leading service reliability, financial performance, innovation, responsiveness, and service reliability to support effective response to routine, urgent, and emergency service needs and interruptions.

The Dominion team will provide excellent service to existing and future Navy Yard businesses and customers, and will allow for the next phase of real estate development to grow and flourish.  Meet the two on-site team members and say hello if you see them around campus!

Name: Jeremy Rigau
Title: Manager, Base Privatization
Years at Dominion Energy: 13 years
One thing they are most looking forward to at the Navy Yard: Jeremy can’t wait to bring his family to the Navy Yard to see a movie at the PFS Drive-in. As a Philadelphia transplant, he is looking forward to taking his family to see and experience all the history and culture that Philadelphia has to offer.

Name: Michael ‘MJ’ Jones
Title: Base Design Project Coordinator
Years at Dominion Energy: 16 years
One thing they are most looking forward to at the Navy Yard: Going to a Sixers game after work!

Since the announcement, Dominion’s team has worked closely with the operations team from DTE on a comprehensive transition to ensure a seamless handoff today. PIDC and the Navy Yard team are grateful to DTE for many years of excellent service and assistance during the transition period.

Since the military base closed and was transferred to PIDC’s leadership in 2000, the Navy Yard’s electric utility system has grown to accommodate more customers and has become more sophisticated. It is a large, independently operated unregulated energy grid, and since 2010, more than $35 million in upgrades have been performed and new capacity added, including the addition of a peaking plant, a battery storage plant, and Pennsylvania’s first community solar project.

The Navy Yard continues to grow as a premiere location for businesses and employees in Philadelphia. The next phase of development will solidify the Navy Yard’s place as a leader in business, manufacturing, R&D, and life sciences and will include the creation of a vibrant mixed-use district including retail, makerspace, and – for the first time since the base closure – residential development. With this next phase of commercial and residential development, the Navy Yard is expected to add an additional 5.4 million square feet of space at full build-out over the next 15 to 20 years and plans to grow from its peak demand of 33 megawatts serving 105 accounts and 120 facilities to 55 megawatts. Additionally, Dominion Energy will also ensure future energy needs are met as new capacity is added to the private grid.

Dominion Energy offers comprehensive O&M and business management expertise backed by 100+ years’ experience as one of the nation’s largest regulated utility companies, serving more than 3.2 million electric customers in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Virginia. Dominion Energy also extends 15 years of experience in owning, operating, and maintaining privatized, non-regulated systems on critical installations (similar to the Navy Yard) in South Carolina, Texas, Virginia, and Washington, D.C.